Motorboat 20 HP
You find the motorboat about 50 m in front of the house at the lakeside with a boat cover and marked by "Lounaisrannantie 90".
Please notice, that adults only (from 18 years on) may drive the motorboat.
We presume knowledge and practical experience in using and driving a motorboat with 20 HP by the tenants and the drivers of the boat.
The drivers do not need a driving licence for a 20 HP motorboat in Finland. Please use fuel E 10 for the engine.
The motorboat is admitted for 4 people (or 3 adults of 85 kg each) and it is available from June to the end of September.
Responsibility for the boats / Skipper- / Boat insurance
Using our 3 boats is not included in the tenancy agreement, but you can use them for free at your own risk and liability.
Please note, that a boat- and liability insurance are not included in the rent.
We strongly advise you to contract a special boat- and liability insurance.
The tenant and the driver of the motorboat are responsible for the safety of the passengers and the intactness of the boat.
Using the boats by a third party
It is not allowed to let the boats to a third party.
Weather conditions at the Lake Päijänne
Caution! For your own safety, do not use canoe or rowboat when white crestwaves on lake.
Please consider risk of using motorboat by weather conditions mentioned above.
Thunderstorms with seaward winds can appear rapidly!
The key of the motorboat is at the entry in the fuse box.
You can even use our rowing blades with the motorboat. You will find them under the terrace when you put off the orange covers in front it.
Please check the boat and the fuel (E 10) / filling level in the tank before using the boat and inform our property management about any problems.
Black rubber plug in the bottom of the boat
At the bottom of the motorboat a black rubber plug must be plugged in tightly to prevent the water from getting into the boat.
You can find more rubber plugs in reserve:
a) in the kichen next to the refrigerator or on the cupboard at the door
b) in a blue bowl in the outside storage room.
During your trips you can leave the cover of the boat in the shed in front of the house. Please cover the motorboat again after your trip.
Fastener for the fishing rod
You will find them in the shed (blue bowl) and you can mount them easily without tools.
Life vests are placed in the little shed at the front of the house.
By law, everyone in the boat has to wear a life vest.
There are also life vests for young children. Please check the weight of the child and see the information on the life vest
Stick at the hydraulic system
Perhaps the guest before left the hydraulic system of the engine with a safety stick in it. In this case, please remove the stick bevore using the hydraulic system.
Please refrain from any alcohol when using and driving the motorboat.
Being drunk or consuming alcohol while driving on the lake is against the law and will be prosecuted by the Finnish police by all means.

Launching the motorboat
Please use the cable winche to launche the motorboat offshore. A small gear at the cable winche helps you to select the direction.
When the boat is offshore, use the rowing blades to row it into deep water and then lift the engine down.
The engine of the boat is equipped with a lifting system. You can use it by switching the hand gear of the speed control (UP / DOWN).
When completely under water, start the engine and speed up the boot with the hand gear.
Notice that at the shore the level of the lake is gently dipping.
Skipper note: Safety device of the engine
Please use the red safety device of the engine at the key and plug it on your cloth to stop the engine if you happen to fall over board.
Please plug the black plastic tail of the red spiral rope on the black timer at the throttle.
Finnish law requires this safety device by all means.
A 20 l tank is under your seat at the back of the boat.
Please use a 5 l canister to fill in the fuel E 10.
5 liter filling funnels are in the shed at the back of the house.
Fuel consumption
The engine needs about 7 - 10 liters E 10 per hour depending on the weather conditions.
The consumption rises up highly at full throttle and by windy conditions.
Many nice trips are possibly in about 1,5 - 3 hours (including driving home) at this beautiful archipelago, e.g. to the island "Kelvenne" with many sand beaches.
For long trips we recommend to take separate canisters at least 25 l E 10 with you plus the filled 20 l tank of the boat.
There are 5 l and 20 l canisters at the little shed in front of the house.
To fill the 20 l red tank of the boat use the funnel with our 5 liter canisters.
Information about the motorboat
GPS / Fishfinder
(not a part of the renting contract)
Normally this tool automatically starts when running the engine.
Please, select your language to read the information in the display.
You can select a map, a fishfinder, combinations it and other tools.
The basic setup of this tool shows you the route back to where you started from. Please check this function at the beginning and during your trip.
Note: The software of this tool may sometimes delete the map after you have started the engine again. That may delete your previous route too.
We recommend to carry our separate natuical map with you.
We offer further information and pdf- manuals at our site "Boote".
A nautical map of Lake Päijänne (Sysmä area) is in our house.
Emergency Number 112
In case of emergency, dial 112 on your mobile phone.
The local rescue service and water police will help you.
If necessary, use the rowing blades to row the motor boat to the shore.
Have nice trips at big Lake Päijänne and the beautiful archipelago in front of the house!